International Business Dissertation Ideas: Tips & Suggestions

There are numerous areas and ideas you in international business to base your dissertation on. They may be classified in terms of industry, country, goods, services, etc. The choice of study area will depend on your passion, career prospects or be based instructions given by your supervisor. Some of the ideas in international business to consider include:-

  1. Conflict of cultures

  2. Ethics in setting profit margins

  3. The impact of technology on international trade

  4. Corporate social responsibility

  5. Overcoming language barriers in international trade

  6. Local manufacturing vs shipping

  7. Simplifying taxation for multinationals

  8. The place of culture in successful marketing campaigns

  9. Reducing time wastage between offices that are continents apart

  10. Human resource factors in international business

  11. Political turmoil and its impact on businesses

  12. International trade in artifacts

  13. Exporting startups

  14. Seamless money transfers

  15. Cheap labor as a determinant of investment destination

  16. The ethics of hiring expatriates

  17. The impact of religion on international business

  18. Sourcing raw materials from conflict zones

  19. Double quality standards based on destination country

  20. Country specific policies on international business

A good idea requires deeper thought to ensure that your work is outstanding and compelling. The best ideas for a dissertation in international business can be found in the following areas.

  • New Items- new outlets like televisions, radio, newspaper and blogs highlight the hottest business issues in the market. They give you an idea of what is of concern to different industries and stakeholders engaging in international business.

  • Research recommendations- researchers are required to indicate the limitations that their papers and books did not address as a guide to future studies. Go through a few journals on international business and identify areas that require attention. You will be making a significant contribution to the academic world.

  • Passion- passion enables researchers to produce the best papers. It is advisable to follow your passion when identifying a study topic. This makes your writing process interesting and enjoyable.

  • Consult your supervisor- supervisors are incredible resource persons when making a choice on study topics. They have a better understanding of different academic platforms. Their exposure makes it easier for them to recommend excellent ideas. They also understand your capabilities and will provide the best direction.

An idea can be refined in the course of compiling your paper. Ensure that the idea you select is within the scope of your studies. An interesting topic and in your area of interest will make your writing process enjoyable.